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Here is a list of publications making use of the CLAUDS data

  1. The CFHT Large Area U-band Deep Survey (Sawicki et al. 2019)   ← project overview paper (READ THIS FIRST)

  2. On the lack of correlation between [O III]/[O II] and Lyman continuum escape fraction (Bassett et al. 2019)

  3. HSC-XD 52: An X-Ray Detected AGN in a Low-mass Galaxy at z~0.56 (Halevi et al. 2019)

  4. UV and U-band luminosity functions from CLAUDS and HSC-SSP - I. Using four million galaxies to simultaneously constrain the very faint and bright regimes to z~3 (Moutard et al. 2020)

  5. Outside the Lyman-break box: detecting Lyman continuum emitters at 3.5<z<5.1 with CLAUDS (Meštrić et al. 2020)

  6. Orphan GRB afterglow searches with the Pan-STARRS1 COSMOS survey (Huang et al. 2020)

  7. Star formation in massive galaxies at redshift z~0.5 (Xu et al. 2020)

  8. A large massive quiescent galaxy sample at z~1.2 (Xu et al. 2020)

  9. A giant central red disk galaxy at redshift z=0.76: challenge to theories of galaxy formation (Xu et al. 2021)

  10. Classifying Stars, Galaxies and AGN in CLAUDS+HSC-SSP using Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (Golob et al. 2021)

  11. Resolving a dusty, star-forming SHiZELS galaxy at z=2.2 with HST, ALMA, and SINFONI on kiloparsec scales (Cochrane et al. 2021)

  12. Evolution of the galaxy merger fraction in the CLAUDS+HSC-SSP deep fields (Thibert et al. 2021)

  13. Searching for low-redshift faint galaxies with MMT/Hectospec (Cheng et al. 2021a)

  14. Spectral energy distribution similarity of the local galaxies and the 3.6um selected galaxies from the Spitzer Extended Deep Survey (Cheng et al. 2021b)

  15. Ionizing radiation from AGNs at z>3.3 with the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey and the CFHT Large Area U-band Deep Survey (CLAUDS) (Iwata et al. 2022)

  16. COSMOS2020: A panchromatic view of the Universe to z~10 from two complementary catalogs (Weaver et al. 2022)

  17. GOLDRUSH. IV. Luminosity Functions and Clustering Revealed with ~4,000,000 Galaxies at z~2-7: Galaxy-AGN Transition, Star Formation Efficiency, and Implications for Evolution at z>10 (Harikane et al. 2022)

  18. A cautionary tale of fesc estimates from high redshift galaxies (Bassett et al. 2022)

  19. Group and protocluster candidates in the LAUDS and HSC-SSP joint deep surveys (Li et al. 2022)

  20. Evaluating Lyα Emission as a Tracer of the Largest Cosmic Structure at z~2.47 (Huang et al. 2022)

  21. The obscured fraction of quasars at cosmic noon (Vijarnwannaluk et al. 2022)

  22. Combining the CLAUDS and HSC-SSP surveys. U + grizy(+YJHKs) photometry and photometric redshifts for 18M galaxies in the 20 deg2 of the HSC-SSP Deep and ultraDeep fields (Desprez et al. 2023) CATALOGS 

  23. HSC-CLAUDS survey: The star formation rate functions since z ∼ 2 and comparison with hydrodynamical simulations (Picouet et al. 2023)

  24. An enhanced abundance of bright galaxies in protocluster candidates at z ∼ 3−5 (Toshikawa et al. 2023)

  25. Two rest-frame wavelength measurements of galaxy sizes at z<1: the evolutionary effects of emerging bulges and quenched newcomers (George et al. 2024)

  26. Observational Properties of AGN Obscuration During the Peak of Accretion Growth (Vijarnwannaluk et al. 2024)

  27. ODIN: Improved Narrowband Lyα Emitter Selection Techniques for z = 2.4, 3.1, and 4.5 (Firestone et al. 2024)

  28. Probing the stellar populations and star formation history of early-type galaxies at 0 < z < 1.1 in the rest-frame ultraviolet (Ali et al. 2024)

  29. Galaxy Morphologies Revealed with Subaru HSC and Super-Resolution Techniques II: Environmental Dependence of Galaxy Mergers at z~2-5 (Shibuya et al. 2024)

  30. High redshift LBGs from deep broadband imaging for future spectroscopic surveys (Ruhlmann-Kleider et al. 2024)

  31. Cluster candidates with massive quiescent galaxies at z∼2 (Kiyota et al. 2024)

  32. Major merger fraction along the massive galaxy quenching channel at 0.2<z<0.7 (Inoue et al. 2024)

  33. Environments around quasars at z~3 revealed by wide-field imaging with Subaru HSC and CFHT (Suzuki et al. 2024)

  34. High-redshift LBG selection from broadband and wide photometric surveys using a Random Forest algorithm (Payerne et al. 2025)

  35. The Growth of Galaxy Stellar Haloes Over 0.2≤z≤1.1 (Williams et al. 2025)





If you use CLAUDS data... 

Please use the following acknowledgement text in your paper:


“These data were obtained and processed as part of the CFHT Large Area U-band Deep Survey (CLAUDS), which is a collaboration between astronomers from Canada, France, and China described in Sawicki et al. (2019, [MNRAS 489, 5202]).  CLAUDS data products can be accessed from CLAUDS is based on observations obtained with MegaPrime/ MegaCam, a joint project of CFHT and CEA/DAPNIA, at the CFHT which is operated by the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada, the Institut National des Science de l’Univers of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) of France, and the University of Hawaii. CLAUDS uses data obtained in part through the Telescope Access Program (TAP), which has been funded by the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Special Fund for Astronomy from the Ministry of Finance of China. CLAUDS uses data products from TERAPIX and the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre (CADC) and was carried out using resources from Compute Canada and Canadian Advanced Network For Astrophysical Research (CANFAR).”



And please let us know once your paper is published (or on arXiv) as we love to hear about the different ways people use CLAUDS data! 

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